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Artificial Intelligence

Many Projects,
One Workflow

We know you have a lot going on. Let's get it all working in smooth alignment, together.

Automation/AI Engineering and Consulting Services

Welcome to RegCo, where we make success simple.

We leverage automation and AI to make every job a dream job. Especially,  if you have many jobs.

Leverage the AI chain reaction revolutionizing business: attracting more customers and clients, delivering a speedy commercial experience, and beating your goals. Let RegCo be the first domino.

At RegCo, we are committed to building a more efficient and sustainable future, one system at a time. Our operational model, the RegCo Core, is a customizable framework that can be deployed in any business context.


Projects Under Development

Crafting unparalleled camping experiences, we redefine luxury and simplicity in off-grid living. In agriculture, we are pioneering automated indoor, vertical, and hydroponic systems to maximize efficiency, productivity, and sustainability.

Meanwhile, in biotechnology, our cutting-edge lab automation solutions are expediting breakthroughs, enhancing accuracy, and streamlining operations.

Embrace the future with us at RegCo.

Work with RegCo

+1 (914) 554-5010

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"The secret of getting ahead is getting started"

Mark Twain

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